July 20, 2009 Message of the Week

By Bob Fuhrman


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The link above is to a pod cast of a message from Reverend Ken Poure. Ken is a well renowned evangelist and he has influenced my Christian Faith from the beginning of my walk with Christ. The following paragraph is an excerpt from the Message of the Week from February 19, 2009. This can be accessed at the home page of Message of Truth under Archives in the February Tab.

Many years ago in nineteen hundred and seventy four I gave my public profession of faith for the Lord Jesus Christ. I did this after hearing Reverend Ken Poure, a minister and evangelist preach that “Jesus Christ was his best friend”. Al Stanley, who I first met that day, Al is today a very good friend of mine in the fellowship of Christ, had picked me up early in the morning to take me to the First Baptist Church of Atlanta. We went there to hear Ken Poure speak at a men’s conference. I was impressed with Ken Poure’s matter of fact witness for Christ; and in his outward happiness that he conveyed in his love for Him. I on the other hand wanted this assurance. (Hebrews 11:1-3)

The following paragraph is an e-mail that Ken Poure recently sent to me.

Hello Bob … I thank the Lord for the way he used you In helping a new Christian understand how to discern God’s will … I believe that 95% of the information God wants us to be Involved with Is found in The Word of God. Does the Bible say anything about it? “Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against you. The second important way God leads us is by checking ourmotive as to why we want to do what we want to do. It boils down not to what I do, but my motive…what is motivating my behavior ? ” Whatever you do in Word or deed to all to the Glory of God “Jesus said “if you give a cup of cold water in my name it will in no wise lose my reward. Think about it and if you have any question ….I’m a email away …

Brother Ken

I hope you enjoy listening to brother Ken’s message. If you do not know Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior I hope you are lead after hearing Ken Poure, as I was, to ask Jesus into your life.

Keep the Blue Side Up


Bob Fuhrman

Categories: Messages, Messages of the Week